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First name Michèle
Last name Thompson
Instagram or Website

Hi there, I’m Michèle Thompson and am a land and cityscape photographer who was born and raised in Halifax, Nova Scotia but has now made Toronto my home.

I started photography a few years ago initially as a way to help with my depression and anxiety. However it quickly developed into a passion for capturing the natural beauty and details of nature and cityscapes that I see in my daily life whether at home or when travelling in Canada and the USA

I am a published photographer who shares my images on my Instagram @magpie_n_moo and my website Magpie’n’Moo Photography ( a blend of the two nicknames given by my family ☺️ ). Most recently I started a blog: Photography Made Simple where I share photography tips I have learned over the years with the purpose of providing basic, simply explained practical guidance for the beginner photographer.